If your company is involved in data that is considered confidential or proprietary, controlled access to that data is vital. Every company with employees who connect to the internet should have robust access control measures in place. At its simplest, access control is an exclusive restriction of information to specific users and in certain circumstances, says Daniel Crowley, head of research for IBM’s X-Force Red team, which is focused on data security. There are two major components: authorization and hop over to this web-site authentication.

Authentication is the process of confirming that the person to whom you want to gain access to is who they claim to be. It also includes the verification a password or any other credentials required before granting access to a network, application, system or file.

Authorization is the process of granting access based on a certain job function within the company like engineering, HR or marketing. Role-based access control (RBAC) is one of the most popular and effective ways to limit access. This kind of access involves policies that determine the required information for certain tasks in business and assign permissions to the appropriate roles.

If you have a standard access control policy it is easier to manage and monitor changes as they happen. It is important to ensure that the policies are clearly communicated to employees to encourage the careful handling of sensitive information, as well as to establish procedures for revocation of access when an employee quits the company and/or changes their job or is terminated.

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