The engineering process is made up of a set of structured steps that engineers go through to design and build an item. There are many models of the engineering process, with less or more steps but most of them follow a similar pattern. In this article, we’ll look at a 9 step engineering design process used by engineers to solve specific issues.

The initial step of the engineering design process involves delineating the issue. This is a crucial process, as failing to clearly and precisely define the issue could result in delays at a later time in the design cycle. Often the solution to a specific issue will naturally arise in this stage. For example, when students were asked to design a method to hang their school lunch hooks onto the desk’s bottom, they came up with a simple solution of attaching a hook to the bottom of the desk.

The next step is to conduct a requirements analysis in order to determine the specifics of customer needs and the resources available. This will help you come up with a concrete set of project requirements and constraints. If a customer requires something that can hold 20 pounds, the engineer will calculate the maximum capacity of the system and the size of the hook to ensure it is able to hold the full lunch for all the students.

The next stage, also known as design the synthesis or design planning, is where the details are formulated and the specific design of the final product is created. This stage involves the creation of the inputs and outputs of the various modules that comprise the system, and their interconnections. Tools used in this phase include Gantt and Pert charts and spreadsheets for loading resources, drawings, sketches and proof-of-concept models.

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