If you’re an auditing professional you’re likely to be asked at that site some point you’ll be required to conduct an audit of the technology. Although it may seem like yet another thing that you have to add to your to-do list, a technology audit is a critical measure to ensure that your clients’ technology is in good working order and is aligned with business goals.

Tech audits can come in a variety of types. They can be a holistic analysis of all the technology that a company employs, or they could focus on specific areas of concern. Tech audits are the process of capturing and assessing the needs efficiency, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of each technology in use. This is a challenging task, especially for large organizations with many applications.

An audit of technology is a good way to determine whether a company is in compliance with the rules and guidelines of the industry or if there are ways to save money. Additionally, it could aid in ensuring that employees are educated on the proper and safe use of technology within the company.

While the American public’s abysmal cyber-hygiene is bad news for all of us, it’s a more serious issue for businesses, that must keep their systems up-to-date to prevent security breaches, cut costs and provide the best customer experience. Regularly conducting a tech audit is essential to stay up to date and avoiding costly errors. It can mean the difference between a company that is at the top of its game and one struggling to stay afloat.

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