Time management is an intimidating skill to master once you are in college. Classes, studying for exams, and socializing with friends can take up a lot of your day-to-day. The following tips for managing your time can help you organize your busy schedule and complete all your responsibilities and still allow for some time for relaxation and leisure in your daily routine.

Making a list of tasks is a great way to get all your tasks out of your head and into a logical, visible place in which you can see them. Writing down all the tasks you need to accomplish, whether in a notebook or an app will help you get an idea of what you’re looking for and help you organize the tasks you need throughout the day.

The setting of deadlines for your tasks is another method to ensure that you complete them by the set date. Prioritizing tasks that will have the most impact on your long-term goals and cutting out those that aren’t is a great way to make more time in your day-to-day routine.

Lastly, practicing self-discipline is crucial for a successful time management. This could mean staying clear of distractions like ignoring emails or launching non-work-related tabs on your computer during working hours or saying no to your friends in the event that you need to spend extra time in the library prior to an exam. It could also mean taking frequent breaks to avoid getting lost in your work or losing motivation.


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